Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ehemalige Heimkinder: "JETZT REDEN WIR !" - Demo gegen sexuellen Missbrauch und schwarze Pädagogik in Berlin [und "JETZT REDEN WIR" auch in Englisch]


»Freie Initiative ehemaliger Heimkinder«

JETZT REDEN WIR, nicht nur in Deutsch, aber auch in Englisch.

All church abuse victims and their supporter are invited to a major church abuse victims’ demonstration in Berlin on 15.04.2010

German church abuse victims, "victims of institutional child abuse" in Germany in the late 40s, the 50s, the 60s, the 70s, the 80s and lasting into the 90s in the former West-Germany – in predominantly church institutions ! – and their cousins in similar situations in Austria, the Netherlands and in Switzerland are calling a massive demonstration in Berlin on Thursday, 15. April 2010, commencing at 12:00 noon sharp.

The demonstrators will start to assemble at 11:00 a.m. in front of the heritage building at No. 32-34 Luisenstrasse in Berlin-Mitte [ the Cente of Berlin NEAR the Parliament Building, but on the other side of the River Spree ] ( on the lawns / bare ground behind the ultra-modern government office complex called Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-House – this bare ground and an adjoining car park are situated opposite 32-34 Luisenstrasse in Berlin-Mitte ). The heritage building is a government building in which on that very day a so called "Little Truth Commission" is sitting ( for the 7th time ! ) supposedly dealing with these "allegations of institutional child abuse, child sexual abuse and child forced labour", but this "Commission" is in fact a charade, another reason for the demo. A large photo of this government heritage building in front of which the demonstrators will assemble between 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon can be found @

The street march that will take place commencing at 12:00 noon sharp, is set out on a route-plan @
http://www.jetzt-reden-wir.org/demo.pdf ( part of HTTP://JETZT-REDEN-WIR.ORG/ ) and will include, once the River Spree has been crossed via the Marschal Bridge on Wilhelmstrasse, the front steps of the Bundestag ( i.e. the German Federal Parliament Building ) on Scheidemannstrasse and will then continue to and end at a stage erected on the public square at the Brandenburg Gate where street-theatre and a cabaret are envisaged, speeches are expected to be given and a final announcements made around 13:30 p.m.

Invited to attend the demonstration in addition to the locals are people from all over the world:

church abuse victims and their supporter from Ireland, England and Scotland;
church abuse victims and their supporters from the United States and Canada;
church abuse victims and their supporter from Australia and New Zealand;
church abuse victims and their supporters from Italy, Spain and Portugal;
church abuse victims and their supporters from France, Belgian und Luxemburg;
church abuse victims and their supporter from Eastern European Countries;
church abuse victims and their supporter from the Scandinavian Countries;
church abuse victims and their supporter from the African Continent and
church abuse victims from India, the Philippines and Indonesia;

in support of the German, Austrian, Swiss and Netherlands’ church abuse victims !

Everybody is welcome to attend. – See you in Berlin !

Those of you who understand a little bit of German can also consult Demowatch.de @
http://www.demowatch.de/events/379-ehemalige-heinmkinder-demo-freie-initiative-ehemaliger-heimkinder for more extensive information.

But even if you don’t understand any German, what you have read here in English will get you there and get you to the right place on time without fail.


Meine [ d.h. Martin MITCHELLs ] eigene momentane Unterschrift: Eine Verhandlung oder ein Verfahren ohne QUALIFIZIERTEN juristischen Rechtsbeistand, Recht und Gesetz ist wie ein Gebäude ohne Fundament – ein Kartenhaus, und ein Armutszeugnis für jede "Demokratie" und angeblichen "Rechtsstaat", wo versucht wird dies einzuschränken.

My [ ie. Martin MITCHELL’s ] own current signature: Negotiation with the perpetrators, your detractors and opponents without QUALIFIED legal counsel present and by your side throughout and at all times, and without reliance upon the law and jurisprudence, is like a building without a foundation – a house of cards, and any attempt at curtailment of these rights is clear evidence of incompetence, incapability and incapacity of a country’s "constitutionality" and it’s "democracy".

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